
5 Things To Remember When You’re Struggling With Your Extended Family

Do you sometimes feel you are enemies with your extended family, or could they be? It might conflict with some people when they find themselves in challenging relationships with their in-laws. These feelings are completely normal and easier to cope with when you understand them. Everyone could have a challenging time integrating with

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How Does Addiction and Substance Abuse Impact Family Relationships?

Addiction and substance abuse can negatively impact family relationships. It is a disease, and like diabetes or cancer, it affects the entire family. A spouse, parent, child, sibling, or friend could be suffering. Addiction takes control of your life, often leading to a loss of income, employment, and opportunity. Family members frequently feel

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What To Do When a Long-Lost Family Member Contacts You

When long-lost family members contact you, it can be both exciting and sad. The excitement comes from the fact that you may finally get to meet your long-lost family member, and the sadness comes from losing touch in the first place. So, you have been contacted by a long-lost family member. It’s hard

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How To Get Along With Your Siblings

Are you getting along with your siblings? Do you feel the need to improve your relationship with them? Believe it or not, fostering a good relationship with your siblings is important. If you have siblings, you’re likely familiar with the ups and downs of sharing a household. A strong bond with them can

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Unexpected Benefits of Eating Together as a Family

As more research has been done, the health benefits of family mealtimes have been widely documented. Eating together is a rarely discussed topic, but it’s an essential and underrated part of daily life. Eating as a family provides many benefits. The dinner table is the central place for families to connect beyond food

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